SchemaSpy Analysis of dellstore2.public - Columns Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Tue May 24 11:41 EDT 2016
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

dellstore2.public contains 52 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
categories category serial 10  √  nextval('categories_category_seq'::regclass)
categories categoryname varchar 50
cust_hist customerid int4 10
cust_hist orderid int4 10
cust_hist prod_id int4 10
customers address1 varchar 50
customers address2 varchar 50  √  null
customers age int2 5  √  null
customers city varchar 50
customers country varchar 50
customers creditcard varchar 50
customers creditcardexpiration varchar 50
customers creditcardtype int4 10
customers customerid serial 10  √  nextval('customers_customerid_seq'::regclass)
customers email varchar 50  √  null
customers firstname varchar 50
customers gender varchar 1  √  null
customers income int4 10  √  null
customers lastname varchar 50
customers password varchar 50
customers phone varchar 50  √  null
customers region int2 5
customers state varchar 50  √  null
customers username varchar 50
customers zip int4 10  √  null
inventory prod_id int4 10
inventory quan_in_stock int4 10
inventory sales int4 10
orderlines orderdate date 13
orderlines orderid int4 10
orderlines orderlineid int4 10
orderlines prod_id int4 10
orderlines quantity int2 5
orders customerid int4 10  √  null
orders netamount numeric 12,2
orders orderdate date 13
orders orderid serial 10  √  nextval('orders_orderid_seq'::regclass)
orders tax numeric 12,2
orders totalamount numeric 12,2
products actor varchar 50
products category int4 10
products common_prod_id int4 10
products price numeric 12,2
products prod_id serial 10  √  nextval('products_prod_id_seq'::regclass)
products special int2 5  √  null
products title varchar 50
reorder date_expected date 13  √  null
reorder date_low date 13
reorder date_reordered date 13  √  null
reorder prod_id int4 10
reorder quan_low int4 10
reorder quan_reordered int4 10  √  null