How to read a Javascript Stack Trace

25 February 2017

A Stack Trace is a report of the active stack frames at a certain point in time during the execution of a program. You should learn how to interpret these to debug live systems because in many cases a stack trace is all you have to solve a customer’s issue.

You can think of a stack trace as a timeline of function calls that lead up to the error. Software programs typically have a runtime stack. When a function is invoked the runtime will create a new activation record and place that on “top” of the stack. In this way a program can weave in and out of function calls, many times entering the same function in a particular trace.


The following is a minimal example of a program that encounters an error and shows a stack trace.

// stacktrace.js
a = () => {
b = () => {
c = () => {

this program would produce the output

$ node stacktrace.js

ReferenceError: notDefined is not defined
    at c (/Users/harrymoreno/stacktrace.js:9:3)
    at b (/Users/harrymoreno/stacktrace.js:6:3)
    at a (/Users/harrymoreno/stacktrace.js:3:3)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/harrymoreno/stacktrace.js:11:1)
    at Module._compile (module.js:541:32)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:456:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:415:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:407:3)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:575:10)

From Wikipedia “The stack trace shows where the error occurs, namely in the c function. It also shows that the c function was called by b, which was called by a, which was in turn called by the code on the last line of the program. The activation records for each of these three functions would be arranged in a stack such that the a function would occupy the bottom of the stack and the c function would occupy the top of the stack.”

Notice that our code is near the top of the stack trace. Typically when reading a stack trace I do the following:

  1. Identify the frames that belong to me. Towards the bottom you’ll see module related frames from nodejs. When working with frameworks or libraries you’ll want to ignore frames that don’t belong to you. As it’s unlikely the issue lays in the dependencies. (Unless you’ve found a bug in your dependency in which case you should report the issue with the maintainers!).
  2. Start reading from the top. The stack trace will include all frames up to the error encountered, but that doesn’t always mean the problem lays there. The end of the stack trace is only a starting point in your search to fix the bug.
  3. The Type of Error. The type of error caught is listed. Above the runtime is complaining that notDefined was asked to be executed, but no such function is defined in the program. A ReferenceError is then raised.
    • Note there are 5 Native Error Types in Javascript, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError and URIError.
  4. Stack Frame entry point. Finally, the actual stack frame descriptions are listed. Each line is comprised of the filename where the function was executed (/Users/harrymoreno/stacktrace.js) as well as the line number in the file and the exact column in the line. Above you see 9:3 which indicates the final error was caught on line 9 of the file stackrace.js at column 3.

Practical Example

In modern Single Page Applications certain optimizations are done that will make interpreting a stack trace much harder. You may get a trace like the following.

value@[native code]
w@[native code]
[native code]


  • Many folks run their program through a compression step like UglifyJS. This reduces the size of the file downloaded by your visitors.
    • However, the stack trace produced becomes much harder to read as the function names are swapped for single character names. For example, functions like notifyAllUsers would be renamed to l.
    • you can prettify your bundle but then the line and columns noted in the stack trace become meaningless
  • To avoid having the browser download every one of the .js files in your codebase we typically put them all into a single bundle. This reduces the number of http requests the browser needs to perform (and their associated overheads).
    • However, when you get a stack trace it’ll now point to code regions that are very deep in the file like line 14, column 20,000.
    • The bundle itself may be over 1 MB in size. This is large enough to crash many code editors.

Stringify Error objects with a stack trace

When logging a client’s state a naive solution may be to process all objects through JSON.stringify(). One thing I was surprised to discover was stringification of Javascript Error objects don’t include the related stack trace by default. Instead it’s made available as a property .stack.

var error = new Error('testing');
JSON.stringify(error);  // produces {}

You can solve this by adding a small replacer function as an argument to stringify

function replaceErrors(key, value) {
    if (value instanceof Error) {
        var error = {};
          forEach(function (key) {
            error[key] = value[key];
        return error;
    return value;
var error = new Error('testing');
JSON.stringify(error, replaceErrors);
// produces
// '{"stack":"Error: testing\\n    at repl:1:13\\n    at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:272:27)\\n    at bound (domain.js:280:14)\\n    at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:293:12)\\n    at REPLServer.<anonymous> (repl.js:441:10)\\n    at emitOne (events.js:101:20)\\n    at REPLServer.emit (events.js:188:7)\\n    at REPLServer.Interface._onLine (readline.js:219:10)\\n    at REPLServer.Interface._line (readline.js:561:8)\\n    at REPLServer.Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:838:14)","message":"testing"}'

note it returns a serialized object with keys message and stack. (Source Stackoverflow).

Stack Trace reading in VIM

I noted above that js bundles may be cumbersome to inspect in some editors. VIM is able to handle large files well enough.

Some tips:

  • navigate to a deep region of a file (11:20000) like so
    • [line number]gg so for the above 11gg will jump to the 11th line
    • [column number]l so for the above 20000l will advance the cursor to the 20000th column
  • when serializing Error objects the newlines will be treated literally, %s/,/,\r/g will do a global replace on commas and insert a newline afterwards

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