Heroku Ghost.js example configuration

12 September 2014

We’re evaluating Ghost.js for our upcoming project at r3dm.com. It’s pretty cool. Explicitly NOT a CMS for node.

Here’s our config file. Hopefully it saves some new devs some trouble. 1 2 3 4

The cool things to note are:

1) since heroku provides an environment variable DATABASE_URL you can specify your production database by passing it in. This is thanks to project knexjs which is a dependency of ghost.

2) heroku doesn’t support storing files. But you’re probably better off storing those in Amazon S3 + cdn anyway. This way just store the resulting urls in your heroku database.

This is a much cleaner solution, imho, than those provided elsewhere.

// # Ghost Configuration
// Setup your Ghost install for various environments
// Documentation can be found at http://support.ghost.org/config/

var path = require('path'),

config = {
    // ### Development **(default)**
    development: {
      url: 'http://localhost:9000',
      database: {
        client: 'pg',
        connection: {
          host: '',
          user: 'user',
          password: '',
          database: 'database',
          charset: 'utf8'
        debug: true
      server: {
        host: '',
        port: '9000'
      paths: {
        contentPath: path.join(__dirname, '/content/')

    // ### Production
    // When running Ghost in the wild, use the production environment
    production: {
      url: 'http://ourapp.herokuapp.com',
      mail: {},
      database: {
        client: 'pg',
        connection: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
        debug: false,
        filestorage: false
      server: {
        host: '',
        port: process.env.PORT
    // ### Testing
    // Used when developing Ghost to run tests and check the health of Ghost
    // Uses a different port number
    testing: {
        url: '',
        database: {
            client: 'postgres',
            connection: {
                filename: path.join(__dirname, '/content/data/ghost-test.db')
        server: {
            host: '',
            port: '2369'
        logging: false

    // ### Testing MySQL
    // Used by Travis - Automated testing run through GitHub
    'testing-mysql': {
        url: '',
        database: {
            client: 'mysql',
            connection: {
                host     : '',
                user     : 'root',
                password : '',
                database : 'ghost_testing',
                charset  : 'utf8'
        server: {
            host: '',
            port: '2369'
        logging: false

    // ### Testing pg
    // Used by Travis - Automated testing run through GitHub
    'testing-pg': {
        url: '',
        database: {
            client: 'pg',
            connection: {
                host     : '',
                user     : 'postgres',
                password : '',
                database : 'ghost_testing',
                charset  : 'utf8'
        server: {
            host: '',
            port: '2369'
        logging: false

// Export config
module.exports = config;


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