This is a guest post By Cory Parrish. A developer currently working at ADP.
It’s an explanation of what closures are from a javascript perspective
###Step 1: How can you create a closure?
Short answer: A closure is an inner function that has access to variables from
outer scopes because they store references of its variables. This is possible
because each closure stores the code within its scope. Let’s see how to create
one in an example.
The variable x has created a closure.
The inner function has access to the outer functions variables. This is also
a great example of currying.
It is not necessary to use higher order functions, we could have just created
an inner function without returning it.
Also an example of pass by reference and pass by value from outside of the
closure. NOTE: Primitives & Objects are pass by reference if they are contained
within the closure. There is an example of this at the end.
###Step 2: Which scopes will be included?
Three different scopes are included in a closure. Therefore, variables from
each scope are accessible (this is where variable hoisting comes into play).
Variables within the function.
Variables within its containing functions.
Variables from the global object.
###Step 3: So… who cares!! How does this help me?
The real benefit here is that they allow us the ability to encapsulate
functionality and data within a scope without the need to redefine within each
inner scope. This is especially beneficial when you consider the asynchronous
functionality which necessitates non-blocking functionality. I can use an inner
function that will be executed on another pass of the event queue and I can
utilize the variables from my current scope simply by binding them to my function.
###Step 4: Variables within the closure (even primitives) are passed by reference.
A question commonly asked at JS interviews is…
What does this print?
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