Class creation in javascript

21 November 2015

Javascript is not generally considered a very object oriented language. It allows a lot of flexibility in approaches. The following notes detail how to create an object in javascript utilizing constructor functions.

We create one object, then add a function to its prototype chain to avoid having it copied many times, then we subclass it and detail how to set up the prototype chain.

function ParentClass() { // constructor function
  this.x = 1;
  this.y = 2;

  this.move = function() { // available to all instances but copied many times

var p = new ParentClass(); // make an instance

console.log('p is typeof',; // query constructor object to get typeof

try {'aye');
} catch(e) {
  console.log('catch error', e);

// add a method to every instance of this class, shared amongst all instances = function(arg) {
  console.log('method on the prototype chain:', arg);
}'aye'); // available even to already created instances

// subclassing
function SubClass() {; // 'super'-class constructor call

var s = new SubClass();
s instanceof ParentClass // false
s instanceof SubClass // true

// setup prototype chain for inheritance
SubClass.prototype = Object.create(ParentClass.prototype);
SubClass.prototype.constructor = ParentClass;

var c = new SubClass();
c instanceof ParentClass // true
c instanceof SubClass // true

If you are confused by the setup prototype chain step I highly recommend watching The Definitive Guide to Object-Oriented Javascript starting at 19:32.

Another common feature leveraged with classes is privacy of variables and functions. The less we expose in our classes and APIs the less coupling we get between modules.

  • use this keyword for public fields
  • use var to instantiate things only available within this closure.
  • use this.methodName to define a privileged function, a public function that can access private variables. Similar to getters.
// module.js
function Module() {
  this.public = 'foo'
  var private = 'bar'

  var privateHelper = function() { return 42 }
  this.calc = function() { console.log('calculated: ', privateHelper()) }
  this.privileged = function() { return private }
module.exports = Module

Alternatively, it is common practice to prefix private variables with _. But you wont have any guarantees that users of your software will respect not to use them.

You could also explicitly return the object returned by the constructor but it is not encouraged javascript style. The following produces the same object.

// module.js
function Module() {
  var public = 'foo'
  var private = 'bar'

  var privateHelper = function() { return 42 }
  var calc = function() { console.log('calculated: ', privateHelper()) }
  var privileged = function() { return private }

  return {
    public: public,
    calc: calc,
    privileged: privileged
module.exports = Module

More reading: Introduction to Object Oriented Javascript

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