Testing Javascript Logging Programs

29 December 2016

This turned out to be more time consuming than Iā€™d like. I was testing a Node.js program that would log to stdout as prescribed by The 12 Factor Apps - Logs page.

Say you have something like

// index.js
setInterval(() => console.log(Date.now()), 1000);

We want to execute the program under test, allow it to print to stdout and then make assertions about the output.

// test.js
import test from 'ava';
const exec = require('child_process').exec;

test('app prints to stdout', t => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const server = exec(
      'node ./index.js', 
      { env: { SERVER_PORT: 4000 }}, 
      (error, stdout, stderr) => {
	// not useful as SIGTERM appears as an erroneous exit
        // if (error || stderr) { 
        //   reject();
        // }
        const log = stdout.trim().split('\n');
    setTimeout(() => { server.kill('SIGTERM'); }, 1000);
  }).then((log) => {

test('app logs fast enough', t => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const server = exec(
      'node ./index.js',
      { env: { SERVER_PORT: 4001 }},
      (error, stdout, stderr) => {
        const log = stdout.trim().split('\n');
    setTimeout(() => { server.kill('SIGTERM'); }, 1000);
  }).then((log) => {
    t.true(log.length > 3);

Some tips:

  • AVA test runner would report a passing test if it reached the end of the test without error. To avoid this I would have to wrap the exec call in a Promise.
  • utilize execā€™s option.SERVER_PORT option with different port values for every test to allow your test suite to run tests and server processes in parallel.
  • execā€™s callback is executed after the process terminates. Since we are testing a long running process we need to explicitly terminate the server by sending it a SIGTERM signal. Above we do so in a setTimeout.

Source on Github

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