Here is the command for provisioning the cheapest database on Google Cloud SQL. There were a couple of pitfalls as I’ll explain.
gcloud sql instances create myinstance \
--project my-project \
--database-version POSTGRES_16 \
--tier db-f1-micro \
--region your-region \
--edition ENTERPRISE
By default you may be instructed in the code labs to run
gcloud sql instances create myinstance --project $PROJECT_ID \
--database-version POSTGRES_14 --tier db-f1-micro --region $REGION
You can change the postgres engine version to something modern like POSTGRES_16
. The versions are listed here. As of this writing postgresql 16.3 is the default version.
When you run
gcloud sql instances create myinstance \
--project $PROJECT_ID \
--database-version POSTGRES_16 \
--tier db-f1-micro \
--region $REGION
you get the error
ERROR: (gcloud.sql.instances.create) HTTPError 400: Invalid request:
Invalid Tier (db-f1-micro) for (ENTERPRISE_PLUS) Edition.
Use a predefined Tier like db-perf-optimized-N-* instead.
Learn more at
You can bypass this by specifying a lower tier for edition
gcloud sql instances create myinstance \
--project $PROJECT_ID \
--database-version POSTGRES_16 \
--tier db-f1-micro \
--region $REGION \
--edition ENTERPRISE
In the pricing calculator you can get the cost of the database down to $10.60 per month. I did this by choosing a shared vcpu database
and lowering the disk size to 16gb.
Delete your database to avoid being billed
gcloud sql instances delete myinstance
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