AngularJS - UI-Router, Params and Ionic

14 April 2014

I’ve been learning ui-router and I’d like to share some things I’ve learned that took me a while to get. With bits of Ionic Framework.

When brew punks out

26 March 2014

Today I was trying to upgrade all my brew kegs with brew upgrade. But it trips up on libiconv. You might try like I did and call brew with sudo but you get this message

Using github pages environment variables

05 March 2014

This method is now outdated. Github Pages now exposes the site.github namespace

Changing the owner of a heroku app with S3 assets

24 February 2014

I recently had to migrate a Heroku app that was under my personal accounts, Heroku and s3, to another user. But this app also had assets under Amazon Web Services Simple Storage Service which made the process more complicated. You can use something like bucket explorer to manage S3 with a gui. I’ll show you how to do it with aws-cli. I’m assuming you installed it and you’re familiar with the commandline in general.

Bash script for creating a bootable usb stick on OS X

26 January 2014

Many times you have to create a bootable usb stick on a mac. I always follow the instructions at How to create a bootable USB stick on OS X. I created a quick bash script that makes this process faster

Getting started with emberjs and phonegap (work in progress)

30 December 2013

Source code for this project can be found here.

How to disable subtitles in VLC by default

18 September 2013

VLC is my media player of choice. One of my only complaints is that it loads subtitles by default. It’d be really nice if you could have them off by default, with the option of loading them if you need them.