Running a full bitcoin node on osx is a good way to familiarize yourself with blockchain administration.
You can explore the ledger locally and you don’t suffer any of the risks Simple Payment Verification
nodes suffer from. You can “Be your own Bank” or so they say. If you have ~300 GB of free disk space you should try it out.
Gradient boosting decision trees is the state of the art for structured data problems.
Two modern algorithms that make gradient boosted tree models are XGBoost and LightGBM.
In this article I’ll summarize each introductory paper.
CryptoZombies is one of the best free beginner Solidity courses for learning Ethereum Smart Contract development. In this post I review the 6 lessons of the curriculum. I hope this feedback helps improve the site and motivates others to go through it as well. UPDATE: they updated cryptozombies
Big data analytics tools are a constantly shifting landscape. Most organizations want to be data driven,
this means collecting your data into a data warehouse where it can be explored. The two biggest solutions
in the space are AWS Redshift and Google BigQuery. Here is what your big data administrator needs to
know to choose a solution.
This year our team competed in the 2018 Kaggle Data Science Bowl. The goal of
the competition was to identify cells in microscopic images. There can be zero,
one or many cells in any given image. Our solution was a Convolutional Neural
Network with skip connections.
Although Pokemon Go! may have introduced the general public to augmented reality technology, it hasn’t come close to demonstrating the revolutionary impact AR will have on virtually everyone’s life. With numerous potential applications across a wide range of industries, AR is going to improve healthcare, make cities safer, and boost the efficiency of manufacturing processes (just to name a few examples).
Pipenv is a new tool for managing dependencies and virtualenv environments for Python projects.
When working with data we typically make backups in case we make a mistake. In this age of high speed connections you still want to avoid transferring unnecessary data around, be it because it’s very large or you’re working over a cellphone connection. You can backup the data within the database.
Say you have an s3 bucket on amazon web services. You may want to programmatically empty it. In order to empty a bucket it must have items in it. So I’ll demonstrate how to put and remove items from a bucket. We’ll use the excellent boto3 library.
A Stack Trace is a report of the active stack frames at a certain point in time during the execution of a program. You should learn how to interpret these to debug live systems because in many cases a stack trace is all you have to solve a customer’s issue.