This turned out to be more time consuming than I’d like. I was testing a Node.js program that would log to stdout as prescribed by The 12 Factor Apps - Logs page.
If you need to quickly remove a file from a commit you just made …
Back in SF I found a great volume Great Papers in Computer Science. I got it for $1 at the library. When I lent it out to my friend I immediately missed it and decided to see if I could recreate it from freely available sources.
At my new job we have a Go backend. It’s a nice language with familiar syntax. Someone with C, C++, C# or Java experience will feel right at home. A language designed to make Software Engineering easier. At the same time it’s being sought out to address bottlenecks in Ruby, Perl, Node.js and Python codebases.
Note: I’ve since found better software for visualizing sql data models. I highly recommend dbeaver please consider buying this free software
My friend was complaining that his iOS engineer made horrible API design decisions. I didn’t feel like I could discuss this intelligently so I started looking up materials on what makes a good API.
Atom has become my default editor. Before I used vim most but thankfully there is a vim-mode plugin to get most of the benefits.
During the development of my most recent app. I realized the React Native docs do not cover how to add an app icon. I love the little android icon as much as the next person but we need our own logo.
Event delegation is a method of simplifying otherwise very verbose event handling code in browsers. The method allows you to leverage the browser’s built-in event propagation system to execute logic based on user or network input.
Javascript is not generally considered a very object oriented language. It allows a lot of flexibility in approaches. The following notes detail how to create an object in javascript utilizing constructor functions.